Clem O'Donnell

Clem leads Arrowroot’s Strategic Resources Group

He is responsible for overseeing SRG Directors, conducting platform diligence and supporting the portfolio in technology strategy, operational efficiency, scalability, and team development.

He brings 20+ years as a technology and operations executive, and the experience of three successful IPO’s to Arrowroot. After progressive roles at Oracle in his early career, he was an early stage employee of Forte Software and Vitria Technology staying with each through their public offering.

In 2000, Clem was the founding CTO of WageWorks (NYSE: WAGE), and in that role built one of the first fully hosted, multi-tenant SaaS platforms. With his technology leadership, WageWorks grew organically and through multiple acquisitions to a run rate of ~$150mm at the time of the IPO, one of many important milestones in a full SaaS lifecycle. Today, WageWorks’ market cap is over $2 billion. Clem has also served as a division General Manager and COO.

Clem currently sits on the boards of Agilence, ServiceAide, ICIX and Fluent Commerce.


  • Carnegie Mellon University, Information & Decision Systems, B.S.